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Best prices of Train+leisure and Train+hotel+leisure GUARANTEED by buying with +30 days

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Very important. The schedule for events, services or entrance tickets to shows included in any of the packs of Renfe Viajes Ocio are INDEPENDENT to the train schedule.

REMEMBER. Set a date and time in between the departure and the return train, to avoid complications!.

Not Renfe nor Viajes Reina take responsabilities for the lost of the trip because of the previously pointed. .


Booking options

Parador Only

Train + Lodge



Description of the accommodation

Los orígenes del monasterio se remontan al siglo X aunque sufrió ampliaciones posteriores, por lo que tiene influencia de varios estilos arquitectónicos. Tiene tres espectaculares claustros: uno románico, uno gótico y uno renacentista.
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