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Cancelar cierreThe site ownership belongs to VIAJES REINA, L.L.C (in ahead the PROVIDER or VIAJES REINA) whose firm name is VIAJES REINA, L.L.C c/Alfares, 3 Bis CP: 45600, Talavera de la Reina (Toledo); VAT Number: B45402161. Phone number: +34 918 280 012 and email:
Using the services at the Site, managed by Viajes Reina, you accept to a contract with Viajes Reina, without any intervention of RENFE Viajeros and you will be linked straightly to their general contractual conditions.
By the present document the general conditions (in ahead "contractual conditions") are stablished, that regulates the contractment by the users of some of the services offered in the website (in ahead, "The Site").
Viajes Reina, through The Site, profess their users to have an access to adquiring passes, places or reserve the places to products related with the tourist activities or entertaiment at destiny, like shows, spectacles, events and/or cultural activities or visit guides (in ahead, the "events") that are comercialized in the Site.
Viajes Reina does not participate, in any time, in the organization of such events nor the services given at the same, unless its expresely indicated that they will be participating as promotors. Viajes Reina is declared exempt of all obligation and/or responsibility of, by this concept, belongs to the Promoter of the Events stated. Also, in the Events Viajes Reina acts as the promoter entity, they compromise to fulfill all the requirements and legal demands there might be needed to be applied towards the organization and celebratin of these stated Events, according to the particular characteristics of each one of them.
Viajes Reina reservates the right to modify and/or update the terms that rule over the present Contractual Conditions, of which they will inform the user so the terms can be either accepted or refused. In any case, it will considered that the user accepts those modifications or updates if he celebrates a new contract using the Site. In case of being accepted by the user the new Contractual Conditions, these will substitue entirely the current conditions between the parts to be efective in the following contracts the user, as a client, ends starting from the time of acceptance of this stated new conditions.
The mark of the appropiate box in the contracting proccess, as well ass the fact of following telematically all the steps of the same, it supposes the acceptance of the present Contractual Conditions by the user, having the same validity as the actuall sign in a contract. In this way, the user admits to be a person with enough capacities to acquire the obligations related of his actions in the Site, that he has previously read and understand the content.
In any case, in order to celebrate a contract with Viajes Reina the user has to be a physical person and be an adult (≥18 years)
The Site gives to the users a large variety of services that can be contracted in the Site, or through other websites accesibles from the Site, and that can be enjoyed in the Locals or Events. This stated services can be contracted through a reservation system or through the acquisition of tickets, passes or coupons pre paid by the user.
All the comunications with the user by Viajes Reina will be carried out via e-mail.
The access to the contractual process its completely free, not existing any asociated cost, apart of the propper costs of the user having internet.
All the services marketed are perfectly described in the Site and at disposal of the users, not being included those matters that were not expressely indicated in the same.
The present contract between Viajes Reina and the user is understood as acomplished the moment the user ends the contratation procedure by pressing the "Book" button, being understood that the tracing of all the stages of the electronic contratation procedure and the inclusion of every requested data, are supposed, along with the mark of the appropiate box of the present Contractual Conditions, a clear demonstration of the user's will to accept these conditions.
Viajes Reina, as service providor to the Informatio Society, will archive the electronic domcument in which its formalized the present contract. This stated document will be accesible to the user, who will be able to download and print it, and where the present Contractual Conditions are included.
Viajes Reina will introduce technical ways enough to identify and correct technical issues in the management of the iformation when its concern to their responsibility.
The languague this contractual form will be trasmited and formalized will be, unless the opposite is indicated, spanish.
The contratation procedure of the services offered happens entirely digitally through the Site. Anyone with access to Internet and registered in the Site can access the contratation.
The whole process that all the users that want to acquire the entrance to the different Events, will be the following:
Once the user has access the Site, the services of interest has to be selected (its very important check the descriptions and the characteristics, conditions and final prices)
Next, the user will have to start the electronic purchase procedure by using the button indicated to it.
To continue with the purchase, the user will have to read and accept the present Contractual Conditions, as well ass the Privacy Policy of the Site.
At last, the user will only need to introduce the selected way of payment offered by Viajes Reina in the Site.
The system given allows you to store your card information if you do accept it in the payment process, in order to make further purchases faster, not being necessary to fulfill the information of your card every time you want to purchase something.
This system of storage will only and exclusively be activated after its confirmed and accepted by each one of the users.
In case this function is not available the user will be able to complete the payment following the habitual procedure by introducing the respective payment information with every one of the dealings.
Once the purchase has finished, a window will be shown with a summary of the purchase made, that will include the date in which the service is taking place. An email will also be sent with a purchase confirmation informing the user that his purchase has been sucesfully carried out, along with the ticket, reservation coupon or pass that will have to be exchanged in the Local's ticket office. In this email the purchase will be described as well as the characteristics of the purchase, and these document will serve as acreditatio to whatever claim there might be.
In case this email is not received, the user should check the spam box in their email, and in case it is still not found, Viajes Reina begs the user to comunicate this as fast as possible so Viajes Reina can solve the issue.
The user will be able to find all the information regarding his purchase, as well as others previously pruchased, in the Site's privated area,where, previous the identification of the user (Sign up) a summary can be accessed to with the information: date, price, way of payment and state of the same.
Acordingly to the disposed in the article 23 of the Law 34/2002, July 11, of services to the information society and electronic commerce, the contract forms celebrated electronic way will reproduce all efects expected by the juridic organization, whenever they happen with the consentment and the rest of requirements to be valid.
In any case, the electronic support in which the present Contractual Conditions are stored electronically will be legible as a documentary proof in case of disagreement between the parts.
In this effects, it will be understood that the fulfilment of all the phases in the purchase procedure and, in its case, the payment of the corresponding quantity, implies necessarily the consent required to the contratation.
In the same way, and accordingly to the disposed in the article 27 of the Law 34/2002 of services to the information society and electronic commerce, gives at disposal to the users, previously to the contratation procedure, all the information related to the same and that will only be aplicable in case of any service contracted in the Site.
The price of the events publisehd in the Site is indicated along with the descriptive file of each one of them, being expressed all of them in the present European currency, the Euro (€)
The price of all the services are included in the description of the service.
All the prices shown are final prices, with all taxes included (VAT). Nevertheless, the final price will include all the increment or discounts applicable, costs refered to the user and aditional costs related to acessory services, ways of payment, commissions, etc.
Viajes Reina guarantees the best price online for your reservation. If you purchase anyproduct in our Site and you find a cheaper price in other website for the same reservation we will match it.
To procede with such a request you need to have confirmed a reservation through the Viajes Reina Site and send us an email to indicating in the subject "Minimum price guaranteed" and after studying if your request matches all conditions, we will send you an email with the confirmation of the new price for your reservation and proceeding to the refund of the difference.
You have until 24 hours after confirmate your reservation to send us the email with the "Minimum Price Guaranteed" request.
The conditions of the reservation made in our site and whichever any other online channel where the other more economic price were found has to be equivalent. This includes: date of celebration of the event, location, promotor, session, location and any other reservation conditions included expenses, charges and comissions, and the currency the final price is expressed and the services included in the reservation.
In order to apply the minimum price guaranteed guarantee, the payment conditions, signals, annulment, cancelation and modification associated to the price of whichever other online channel its claimed, has to match those shown in our websites. The guarantee is not applicable to lower prices which restrictions (cancelation policy, deposits, etc) doesn't match the equivalent to the reservation made with Viajes Reina.
The most economic price its being claimed, has to have been confirmed in a maximum limit of 24 hours after the reservation in our Site has been made. It will never be considered those consults made in previous dates to the date in our Site.
It will not be applied this guarantee in case of mistakes in the information or advertising of prices from other websites.
Once the user has sucessfully order and paid the correspondant price through the methods stipuled in the Site, Viajes Reina will remit an email to the user with all the information relative to the services acquired, the unitary price as well as the total price of the purchase.
In any case the payment of the econocic quantities through internet, whenever accomplished through the Site, will be through by the technological ways provided by an external financial entity, that in every case will be embed in a Site under SSL security protocol. In order to its identification, the user must confirm that the web adress of the site where the payment its going to happen starts by https://.
In any case, the purchase will only be effective when Viajes Reina receives the confirmation of the payment by the banking entity owner of the safe payment gangplank. If the transaction happens to be denied by whatever the reason, or the whole of the amount required to the amount required to the payment (including gestion charges and taxes), it will be suspended, being the user informed that the transaction has not finished sucesfully.
The user will have available through the private area a summary with all the purchases made over time. Also, it will be possible to request a bill by email to the adress: specifying ID, and any other information requested by Viajes Reina.
By the acceptance of the present Contractual Conditions, the user manifests their express consentment to receive billing through email. Once the user requests the bill, Viajes Reina will be sending it in a 5 day period to the given email provided by the user. If the user wants to receive a paper bill, can get in touch with Viajes Reina indicating the postal adress the bill has to be sent to.
According to current legislation, Viajes Reina will not be able to modify later the billing of the sales made. Therefore, the bill wil be submited to the physical person who makes the order, then the user will have to make sure of ordering under the right name, not being possible to issue bills duplicated to be sent to thirds nor will be possible to be issued in the guarantee timeline.
In order to the effective provision of services, the user will have to come up to the establishment or place where the services has to be given, not assuming Viajes Reina any responsability by the lack of execution of the present contract by any way that can be related to the user. In this last case, the user is informed that Viajes Reina will not proceed to the refund of any quantity to the user. This way, the impossibility of assinting an Event or acquire the ticket by mistake are no reasons that can allow the refund of the quantities paid by the user.
Once received the confirmation of the payment, the user will be able to enjoy the services acquired the day and at the place specified in the purchase information.
Viajes Reina gives at disposal of the user early tickets provided by the Promoters for those who can access the Event or the Local. This service, pre-paid unless Viajes Reina indicates expressely in the offered service, is not including area reservation services or exclusive space at the Local nor early access or preferent treatment in the Event.
The user, through the Site and during the purchase, will be able to acquire a valid ticket to access the Event or the Local.
In the Events that may imply the pick up of tickets the user will have to, along with his companients in case there were, to show up in the ticket office of the Local with their coupons or tickets and their ID before the limit time specified in the ticket. In case of not accessing the Local or Event before the specified time the Promoter may deny the user the access to the Even or Local or demand the payment of an extra tax due to the access out of time.
The tickets may have discount or additional services that will be published or comunicated to the usir during the purchase process and also in the confirmation email of the same.
The user that has obtained a ticket, will have to show up in the ticket office of the Local at the stipulated time to confirm the purchase of the service. The company organizating the Event or activity and Viajes Reina lack of any obligation of giving the service or facilitating the services if its out of the speficied time for the Event.
In case the user may not attend at the date and time specified in the entrance, Viajes Reina will not return or refund any amount pre-paid and reserves the right to expel the user from the Site. The entrance, which gives right to enjoy the services, will not be able to be used by advertising, commercial, promotional or gambling means, contests or bets without previous and express authorization of the promoter.
The user will have to show up in the box office or entrance of the event or show, or the Local acording to what the promoter indicates. In order to enjoy the services it is essential to present the following: ID card of the user and the acquired entrance whenever this last one has been acquired through the Site. The user will be able to download the entrance by any way the Site is providing it. All those ways are linked in the confirmation email of the purchase. Also, since the promoter reservates the admision right, the user will have to present the ID card as a holder of the purchase. All these documents or elelemts are obligatory and without the same it will not be possible the prestation of the services.
The user is reminded of the Promoter may take their right of admision to the place towards the assisting public, with all the rights of the user to claim the promoter of the event the refunds of the amounts that may have been previously paid. Viajes Reina declares extent of responsability in case of the Promoter denies the access of the user to the Local or Event, due the user to present his claim straightly to the Promoter.
Accordingly to the disposed in the Royal Decree Law 1/2007, november 16, wich aproves the text refunded by the Gereral Law to the defense of the consumer and users and other complementary laws, following the users are being informed of these aspects:
According to the article 103 apart I) Royal Decree Law 1/2007; the user is informed that it will not be possible to execute the withdrawal right over the given rights in the Site, being services related to outdoor activities that prevent a dat or a concrete execution period.
In case the Event or activity is cancelled, Viajes Reina will proceed to the refund of the amount paid by the user in the period of thirty (30) days after the date of public comunication of the cancellation. Yet if the suspension happens once the Event has started or the Local is open to the public, Viajes Reina will not proceed to the refund of any amount, having the user all the right to claim to the Provider.
In case that there might be a change of date, time, place or whatever another circumstance in the Event, Viajes Reina will comunicate to the user as soon as they are aware of it. The users are informed that, in this case, they will be able to claim their right over the refund of the amount paid to the Promoter.
Nevertheless, in whatever it concerns to cancellations or variations in the event, the user may claim any right to Viajes Reina that the current normative conferes.
Not in any case the bad weather will give any right to the user to demand the refund of the amounts paid unless the promoter cancelled expressely the event.
In its case, the refund of this amount will be through the same media the user used to do the payment in first instance, unless the user manifests another one in which case it may incur in aditional costs.
VViajes Reina, before any change there might be in any Event, compromises to
Publizise it in the Site as soon as they are acknowledge of it in order to keep the user rightfullyinformed.
To send a message to the email adress indicated by the user in the moment of the purchase about these stated changes
Viajes Reina has the obligation of the content, data orinformation relative to the services offered in the Site are reliable, truthfull and exact, being responsible of the prices and characteristics announced. Nevertheless, they will not be responsible of those informations there were introduced, shown or modified by thirds others than Viajes Reina.
The pictures, texts, graphics, images, informations or characteristics reproduces that ilustrate the services on sale are not contractual, therefore they might vary. Although we always veil so the description of these services is the closest to the reality.
Viajes Reina, as responsible of the Site and in charge of the comercialization and sale of the services offered uniquely through the same, gives at disposal of the users a customer service available in the terms reflected in the website's appropiate apart.
The parts compromise to fulfil with their legal obligations and contractual, generated in virtue of the present contract.
The parts will respond of the infractions there might incurred personally, staying unharmed the part against any mistake, guilt or negligence not punishable to it and all damage there might come from those infractions or mistakes punishables to the other contractual part.
The present Contractual Conditions will start being valid the moment any payment takes part related to the purchase of any service offered in the Site that the user has chosen, and it will have an indefinite validity unless any of the parts chooses to solv it, and there will be aplicable all the contratations and/or requests were made through the Site.
Viajes Reina will be able to resolute the contract when an unauthorized use or supposedly unauthorized use of the service is being made, either because of the non-compliance of the current Contractual Conditions or whatever other objective cause. If Viajes Reina pursues these faculty, no obligation or responsiblitiy will be asumed nor any economic amount will be refunded there might have been pre paid.
On his side, the user might resolute the present Contractual Conditions at any moment by unsubscribing from the Site. Although the obligations that might continue as valid after the moment of the resolution will still entail both parts according to the stipuled.
In any case, Viajes Reina recommends to the user to consult periodicly this Contractual Conditions since there might suffer modifications. In case of these being carried out, the user will be previoulsy informed in order to its acceptance or rejection. Anyway, it will be considered that the user accepts these stated modifications or updates if he celebrates a new purchase in the Site.
In case of being accepted, the modification or updates will substitue entirely the current conditions between the parts to be effective in the new purchases or reservations there were made starting from the date of acceptance of the new conditions.
All the clauses of the current Contractual conditions must be accepted independently and autonomously, not being affected the rest of stipulations in case of one of these were delcared null by juditial or arbitrary resolution. The clause or clauses affected will be substitued by other clauses that preserve the pursued effects by the Contractual Conditions of the Site.
Whatever matter related to the aditional terms provided by the Promoter and shown in the Site, the user will have to inform Viajes Reina who will mediate in order to find a solution between the user and the Promoter.
The current normative will determine the laws there have to rule and the jurisdiction that has to aknowledge the relation between Viajes Reina and the users. Although, in those cases which the current normative foresees the posibility to the parts of submitting to a determined charter, both Viajes Reina and the user renounce any other charter they might be adressed to them and submit themselves to the Spanish legislation and the Courts and Trials of Madrid City.
In order to present any claim form in the use of Viajes Reina's services, it can be adressed by email or phyisically to the adress indicated in the "Information" appart, and Viajes Reina compromises to seek at every moment a friendly solution to the conflict.
Last update: January 1, 2017
On behalf of the company we process the information you provide in order to provide the requested service, perform the billing of the same. The data provided will be kept as long as the business relationship is maintained or for the years necessary to comply with legal obligations. The data will not be transferred to third parties except in cases where there is a legal obligation. You have the right to obtain confirmation as to whether VIAJES REINA, S.L. is processing your personal data, therefore you have the right to access your personal data, rectify inaccurate data or request its deletion when the data is no longer necessary.
Likewise, and through your express acceptance, revocable at any time, you consent to receive commercial communications related to our company via email or any other electronic means, and the use of your purchase data for studies on marketing and commercial policies of the company.