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Cancelar cierreThe access and use of the website (in ahead, the Site) implies the acceptance without any reservation of the present Terms of use, being as valid and efficient as any written and signed contractual form. The fulfilment of this term will be demandable to anyone who accesses or uses the Site.
The site ownership belongs to VIAJES REINA, L.L.C (in ahead the PROVIDER or VIAJES REINA) whose firm name is VIAJES REINA, L.L.C c/Alfares, 3 Bis CP: 45600, Talavera de la Reina (Toledo); VAT Number: B45402161. Phone number: +34 918 280 012 and email: Using the services at the Site, managed by Viajes Reina, you accept to a contract with Viajes Reina, without any intervention of RENFE Viajeros and you will be linked straightly to their general contractual conditions.
The present Terms of Use regulate the access and use of the Site, without any harm of Viajes Reina reserves the right to modify the presentation, configuration, and content of the same as the terms required to its access and/or use. Nevertheless, the access to certain contents and the use of some services can be submitted to particular conditions, which in any case will be clearly shown and will have to be expressly accepted by the user. These particular conditions could replace, complete or modify the present Terms of use. Viajes Reina reserves the right to modify the terms and conditions stipulated here, totally or parcially, publicizing any change in the same way this Terms of Use are shown or through any kind of comunication adressed to the users. In the same way, we inform the users about which rights and obligations belong to them related to the content exposed in the Site, logos and brands used, so as the responsabilities that can be related to the use of the service. In order to interpret the present Terms of Use we understand a person starts to be a user in the moment they accept these Terms and the Privacy Policy exposed in the Site, even by only visiting the site. The access to the content of the Site its completely free, without any detriment there might exist services in particular that in order to be used may require some payment, in which case the user will be particulary informed and will have to accept this payment to enjoy the service.
The elaboration and update of the information about offers, products or services, prices, routes, distances, characteristics and whatever any other data and information relevant towards the products and services offered in the Site belongs to the respective providers of products or services or organizators, without VIAJES REINA being responsible of the maintenance, revision, supervision or update nor have the possibility of verifying the truthfulness, update, precission or the whole of this stated information. The provider of products or services, in their obligations, will be responsible for the fulfillment of the obligation derived from the current normative and the terms and conditions of the sale of each one of the products, services, or trips combined that can be acquired, not being VIAJES REINA responsible or have any obligations towards those products or services that they are not specifically providers of.
Viajes Reina is entitled, or in its case, counts with the proper licenses over the exploitment rights of the intellectual property and industrial of the Site, and all the content offered in the same including the Site itself, texts, pictures or ilustrations, logos, brands, graphics, designs, interfaces or whatever other information or content and the services available in the Site. In no case will be understood that the access and use of the Site for the user or the use, acquirement and/or contract of products or services offered in the Site implies a renounce, transmission, license or total transfer of this stated rights by Viajes Reina. In the user rights belongs the use of the contents and/or services of the Site, in an estrictly domestic use and only with the end of enjoying the services agreeing with these present Terms of use. The refences to brands or commercial names registered or other disctintive signs, entitled to Renfe, Viajes Reina or any other company, implies the forbiddance over its use without the proper authorization of their legitimal owners. Not in any case, unless its clearly stated the opposite, the access or use of the Site and/or its contents gives the user any right over the disctintive signs included. All intellectual and industrial property rights over the contents and services of the Site are reserved and, in particular, its forbidden to modify, copy, play, reproduce, comunicate publicly, transform or distribute, by any media and in any way the whole or part of the content included in the Site with commercial purposes, not having the previous authorization, expressed and written by Viajes Reina or, in its case, the owner of the stated rights. It is also forbidden to supress or manipulate the copyright indications or whatever any other credit that identify the owner of the content's rights that the user may find in the site, so as the technic protection devices, fingerprints or any other security measure or information included in the contents offered in the Site. In the case the user sends information of any kind to Viajes Reina through whatever the mechanisms created to the purpose, the user states, guarantees and accepts that belongs to his rights to do it freely and that, these information doens't infringe any industrial or intellectual right, commercial secret, or whatever any other part's rights and that this stated information is not confidentially clasified or harmful to thirds. The user assumes the responsability, leaving unscathed Viajes Reina of any comunication that is purveyed personally or under his name, reaching this responsability with any restriction regarding the exactitude, legality, originality and titularity of the same. In the case the user sends information of any kind to Viajes Reina through whatever the mechanisms created to the purpose, the user states, guarantees and accepts that belongs to his rights to do it freely and that, these information doens't infringe any industrial or intellectual right, commercial secret, or whatever any other part's rights and that this stated information is not confidentially clasified or harmful to thirds. The user assumes the responsability, leaving unscathed Viajes Reina of any comunication that is purveyed personally or under his name, reaching this responsability with any restriction regarding the exactitude, legality, originality and titularity of the same. If the user may have the knowledge of the existance of any illicit, illegal, against the law or that may suppose any infraction to the intellectual and/or industrial rights, should notify it inmediately to Viajes Reina to the email adress so the propper measures can be taken. In the same way, in case that any user or a third that may consider some of the contents exposed in the Site owned by Viajes Reina infringes his intellecutall and/or industrial property rights, so as whatever any other right, should refer an statement letter to with the information below:
Claimer Identification and contact information (or their legal representative).
Documentation that credits their condition of owner of these supposed infringed rights.
Detailed report of the rights supposedly infringed by Viajes Reina, also the exact location inside the website.
Express statement by the claimer that the use of the contents its been done without the consentment of the owner of these supposed infricted rights.
In the case the Site were showing links to other websites by different buttons, links, banners or embed contents, Viajes Reina informs that these are straightly managed by thirds, not having Viajes Reina any technic or human way to know, control, and aprove previously all the information, content and products or services facilitated by other websites that may stablish links inside the website. Consequently, Viajes Reina wont be able to assume any kind of responsability in any aspect rleated to the platform or websate that may stablish a link inside the website, concretely including and not limited to its functionability, access, data, information, prices, discounts, services, archives, quality and reliability of its contents, in general.
Viajes Reina makes available to the users, through different tools and apps that allow the users to access the channels and websites that Viajes Reina has in different websites and social networks belonging and/or managed by thirds (F.E: Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Google +, etc). The inclusion of this links in the Site has as only purpose facilitating to users the access to the different websites and social networks. The stablisment of this apps doesnt imply the existance of any kind of relationship between Viajes Reina and the owner, developer or distributor of the linked website, nor the acceptance by Viajes Reina of their content and/or services, being its unique titular, developer or providor of the same. Not in any case Viajes Reina shares with Facebook, Twitter or whatever any other social network is likely to be incorpored in any future, any kind of private information about their users, being its only goal the one stablished in these present Terms of Use also the Site's Privacy Policy. In this way, all the information the user himself wish to provide to these websites will be under his own responsability, not being Viajes Reina part during the process.
Viajes Reina doesn't authorize the stablisment of any link to the Site from those websites that may contain material, information or illicit content, illegal, degrading, obscene and, in general, that are against the law, moral or public order, or the social normative generally accepted. In any case, the users will be able to stablish links in their own websites that adress to the Site, as long as they fulfill the following conditions: a) the link wont be able to play or reproduce the content of the Site or parts of it in any way; b) its not allowed creating a browser ora border environment over the sections of the Site, nor in any other way can the Site be modified; c) Its not allowed to manifestate or give false, inexact or wrong about the Site and/or particulary declare or take for granted that Viajes Reina has authorized the link, overviewed or assumed that in any way the content or services offered by the website this stated link its stablished on; d) the website in which the link to the Site is stablished will not contain information or content of an illegal kind, against moral and good customs generally accepted and the public order, also it won't contain information against to whomever rights, including intellectual and industrial property and/or honour, personal or familiar privacy, the image or whatever any other right or content against the normative regulating the data protection of personal kind.
Viajes Reina has no faculty nor human or technic ways to know, controle or aprove all the information, content, products or services facilitated by other websites that has stablished links to the Site. Viajes Reina doesn't assume any responsability related to the website that stablish the stated link to the Site, concretely including and not limited to its functionability, access, data, informatio, prices, idscounts, archives, quality and reliability of the contents, in general.
It is not allowed, therefore its consequences will be exclusively responsability of the user, to acces or use the Site with illegal purposes or unauthorized, with or without an economical retribution. Particullary, and without the next list being absolute, its forbbiden:
To use the Site in any way that may provocate harms, interruptions, ineficiencies or defects in its functionallity or a thirds computer;
To use the Site to transmite, install or publish any virus, malicious code or any other program or harmful archives;
To use the Site to transmite or publish any material of a difamatory kind, offensive, racist, vulgar, denigrant, pornographic or of an obscene kind that may bother or harm whoever;
To use the Site in way that it constitues an infringement of Viajes Reina's rights or any third;
To use the Site illegally, against good faith, moral and public order;
To use the Site to transmite material with advertising or promotion endings, included spam, chained emails or similars;
To use the Site to collect data of any personal kind of other users;
To access the Site with a false identity, supplanting thirds or using a profila or acting in any other way that might confuse other users about the identity of such message's origin.
To access without authorization to any section of the Site, other sistems or networks connected to the Site, any Viajes Reina's server nor the services offered in the site by piracy, falsification, extraction of paswords or any other dishonest way.
To break or trying to break the security measures or authentification of the Site or any network connected to the same, or the security measures or protection inherent to the content offered in the Site
To take any action that provoques a disproportionate saturation or unnecesary in the Site's infrastroucture or the sistems, networks of Viajes Reina, also in the sistems and networks connected to the Site
To prevent the normal development of an event, contest, promotion or whatever other activity available in the Site or whatever its functionality wheter alterating or trying to alterate, illegally or in any other way, the acces, participation or funcionability of those, or falsifying the result of the same and/or using methods of fraudulent participation, by any other precedure and/or through any other practice that atempts or vulerate in any way the present Legal Agreement.
The non-compliance of whichever of the previous obligations by the user may provoque the proper measures being taken by Viajes Reina sheltered by the Law and making use of their rights and obligations, being even possible to eliminate or block the account of any infractor user, without any possible compensation for the damaged caused.
Viajes Reina can not guarantee the reliability, utility or veracity of absolutely all the information and/or the services of the Site, nor the utility or veracity of the documentation given through the same.
Consequently, Viajes Reina is not guaranteen nor taking responsability from: (I) the continuity of the content in the Site; (II) the absence of mistakes in the stated contents; (III) the absence of virus and/or another harmful components in the Site or the server its supplying it; (IV) the invulnerability of the Site and/or the impostibility of vulnerating the security measures that are taken in th same; (V) the lack of utility or efficiency in the content of the Site; and (VI) the damages might be caused, to himself or a third, by whoever infricts the terms, normative and instructions that Viajes Reina stablish in the Site or through the vuleration of the security sistems of the Site.
Nevertheless, Viajes Reina declares that all necessary security measure its already been taken, in their posibilities and the state of the technic, to guarantee the operation of the Site and reduce to its limit the errors there might be in the sistem, both technically and regarding to the content published in the Site.
Viajes Reina doesn't guarantees the permissibility, reliability and utility of the content provided by thirds in the Site. If the user were aware of the existance of any illicit, illegal content or against the law that might suppose an infraction to third rights, should notify it inmediatly to Viajes Reina so the propper measures can be taken.
Viajes Reina will not be responsible of the veracity, integrity or update of the information publisehd in the Site that may come from sources others than the Site, nor the content in other websites that has links to the Site. Viajes Reina will not assume responsability in hipothetical damages that may come from the use of this stated informations.
In any case, Viajes Reina reserves the right to suspend, modify or interrupt, both temporarily or permanently, the access, navigation, use, embed and/or download of content and/or the use of the services in the Site, with or without a previous notification to the users that break any of the detailed conditions in the present Terms of use, without the posibility to the user of demading any compensation for this cause.
Viajes Reina reserves the right to suspend, modify or interrupt, both temporarily or permanently, the access, navigation, use, embed and/or download of content and/or the use of the services in the Site, with or without a previous notification to the users that break any of the detailed conditions in the present Terms of use, without the posibility to the user of demading any compensation for this cause.
Accordingly to the disposed by the Organic Law 15/1999, September 13, about Personal Data Protection, all the personal-kind information given during the use of the Site will be treated accordingly with the disposed in the Privacy Policy that every user has to accept in order to use and sign up in the system.
Viajes Reina or third collaborating-companies may organize through the Site contests, raffles and promotional activities of a diverse kind.
In this way, the participation in the possible contests, raffles or promotional activities offered by Viajes Reina, will imply the acceptance, in its case, of the particular conditions of each one of those said contests, raffles and/or promotional activities. Generally, the participation in this contests, raffles and/or promotional activities may require aditional information from the participants (age, domicile, etc) and the deliver of the rewards to the winners may be subject to the fulfilment of certain conditions which will be duly announced.
The following general conditions will be relevant to contests, raffles and/or promotional activities offered by Viajes Reina in the Site, unless they are opposed to the detailed in the particular rules relevant to each case:
The participation in contests, raffles and/or promotional activities avaiable in the Site is personal, not being admitted the participation through thirds including agencies.
No one under 18 years old will be able to participate in the contests, raffles and/or promotional activities available in the Site.
The participation of juridic persons is expressely excluded.
The employees of Viajes Reina or their direct relatives, whoever promoter and/or company collaborating in the organization of such contest, raffle and/or promotional activity will not be able to take place in the contest, raffle and/or promotional activity.
Viajes Reina will be able rush or extend the end of the contest, raffle and/or promotional activity in case it would be reasonable or needed to.
In case that Viajes Reina detects any anomaly or fraud actions or suspicious that a participant is trying to impede the normal development of a contest, raffle and/or promotional activity, Viajes Reina will be able to unilaterally and without any notification being required, to eliminate that participant from the contest, raffle and/or promotional activity and/or suspend the event and declare it desert, without Viajes Reina incurs into any responsability to the participants.
The awards will be personal and nontransferable. Not any award will be lkikely to be changed for other good or service or be cash delivered. In case it were necessary, Viajes Reina reserves the right to substitue the awards for other of equall value.
The winner of the contest, raffle and/or promotional activity that receives a prize will be responsible of the taxes appliables and whatever the unfigured expenses not detailed in the award description.
The headers of the different clauses are just informative and will not affect, qualify or enlarge the interpretation of the present Terms of Use. Also, Viajes Reina will be able to modify the terms and conditions here stated, completely or parcially, publizicing any change in the same way this Terms of Use are shown or through any kind of communication adressed to the users.
The temporary validity of the present Terms of Use matches, then, the time of its exposition, until they are modifed completely or partially, when the modified Terms of Use will start being valid.
Indepedently of the disposed in the particular terms that can be stablished in its case, Viajes Reina will be able to conclude, suspend or interrupt at any time and without any previous advice, the access to the Site contents without any posibility by the user to demand any compensation. After the stated extinction, the restrictive measurs to the use of content exposed in the Terms will be still valid.
Also, if the user does not accomplish the present Terms of Use, Viajes Reina will be able to cancell that profile automatically and without any previous advice, the access to the Site content without posibility to the user of asking any compensation. Effectively, Viajes Reina inform that there might be possible to get in touch with the Police Department and the Judiciary institutions if there were detected any infraction of the current legislation or in case there were any suspicion of any crime commitment.
Contracting any payable service and/or product offered by Viajes Reina will be regulated by the general terms and/or particular of each specific service disposed to it.
In the case there might exist any disagreement between the stablished in the present Terms of use and the particular conditions of each service of the Site, it will prevail what disposed in these last ones.
In case that any disposal in the present Terms of Use were declared as null or not aplicable, in its totallity or partially by any Court, Tribunal or competent administrator, this stated nullity or not applicability will not affect the rest disposals in the present Terms of Use. The no execution by Viajes Reina of any right or disposal contained in the present Terms of Use will not constitue a renounce to it, but aknowledged and agreed by its part.
Allways when the current normative foresees the posibility to the parts of submitting to a determined charter, to any litigious matter related to the Site it will be aplicable to Spanish legislation valid at the time of the litigation and we will submit to the Courts and Tribunals in Madrid (Spain), also in its case to the Arbitrary Tribunals of human consumption that we are adherent to in the moment of the controversy.
In order to present claim forms in the use of our services you can adress by email or to our physicall adress indicated in the "Identification" part, compromising to seek in every moment a friendly solution to the conflict.
Last update: January 1, 2017
©Viajes Reina 2017. All rights reserved.