0,00 €
Berlín, Berlín

Tickets Berlín, Berlín in Madrid


Only tickets

Event ended

Hotel + tickets

Event ended

Train + tickets

Event ended

Train + hotel + tickets

Event ended

Berlín, Berlín
Berlín, Berlín
Berlín, Berlín
Berlín, Berlín

Berlín, Berlín

A young couple, Emma and Ludwig, live in East Berlin and want to cross over to the West. To do so, they pose as a nurse and a plumber. Not by chance, the supposed nurse works in an old woman's house, while the supposed plumber mines the tunnel that will lead them to freedom. Provided that some spies lurking around the house allow them to do so...

The situation becomes increasingly complicated. The old woman's son works for the Stasi, the spy service, and has fallen madly in love with the fake nurse.

New characters enter the scene and it is no longer clear who are the spies or the spied upon.

BERLIN, BERLIN! The hilarious comedy that breaks down the walls!


Berlín, Berlín
Berlín, Berlín
Berlín, Berlín
Berlín, Berlín

Frequent questions about Berlín, Berlín





Information on the purchase of Berlín, Berlín

Train + Ticket
Hotel + Ticket
Train + Hotel + Ticket

Train + tickets for Berlín, Berlín

What's included?

Roundtrip train ticket from the chosen origin to Madrid. You can choose date and time
Tickets for the show. You can choose date and seat

How does it work?

Just print the train tickets and the tickets that we will send to your email after purchase to get on the train and enter the theater.

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