0,00 €
La Bella y la Bestia, el musical

Tickets La Bella y la Bestia, the musical


Only tickets


Hotel + tickets


Train + tickets


Train + hotel + tickets


La Bella y la Bestia, el musical
La Bella y la Bestia, el musical
La Bella y la Bestia, el musical
La Bella y la Bestia, el musical

La Bella y la Bestia, the musical

La Bella y la Bestia, el musical y La Barbarie Teatro Musical invite you to enjoy the classic musical for children and adults, with live voices and a wonderful love story that you will never forget.

Once upon a time there was a prince who lived in a glittering castle. Although he had everything he could wish for, he was selfish and spoiled. One night, a witch cast an evil spell on him and everyone who lived there. As punishment, the prince was condemned to be a beast, and he could only be freed from this curse if he managed to fall in love with a girl before the last petal of an enchanted rose fell.

Ten years later, a young girl named Belle arrives at the castle to rescue her father, who is imprisoned by the beast. They say that true beauty lies within. Can the girl learn to love the beast and break the spell?

We invite you to enjoy a classic musical for children and adults with live voices, a scenery that will transport you from the picturesque village to the spooky castle and a love story you will never forget!

La Bella y la Bestia, el musical
La Bella y la Bestia, el musical
La Bella y la Bestia, el musical
La Bella y la Bestia, el musical

Preguntas frecuentes sobre La Bella y la Bestia, el musical





Information on the purchase of La Bella y la Bestia, the musical

Train + Ticket
Hotel + Ticket
Train + Hotel + Ticket

Train + tickets for La Bella y la Bestia, the musical

What's included?

Return train ticket from the chosen origin to Madrid. You can choose date and time.
Tickets for the musical. You can choose date and seat

How does it work?

Simply print out the train tickets and tickets that we will send to your email after purchase to board the train and enter the theatre.

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