0,00 €
Aristócratas Conversos

Tickets Walking Life, Okuda San Miguel in Madrid


Only tickets

Event ended

Hotel + tickets

Event ended

Train + tickets

Event ended

Train + hotel + tickets

Event ended


Walking Life, Okuda San Miguel

"Walking Life" is an artistic journey in which Okuda San Miguel invites us to reflect on the paths that life offers us and the paths we choose to take in the changing context in which we live.

The common origin, the cultural heritage, the people around us, the connections we establish between us or the amount of information we receive are some of the concepts that shape the different stages of this experience.

Explore a surreal world where colour, geometric structures, sound and audiovisual installations connect the imagination with the physical to turn your dreams into the guide to your destiny.

In Walking Life Okuda proposes that we walk through life with curiosity and determination to create our own itinerary.

Museo Gran Vía 15 opens its doors to offer us a unique installation by the artist Okuda San Miguel. A journey that invites us to reflect on the paths that life offers us and the paths we choose to take in the changing context in which we live. An explosion of energy and colour that will occupy this new cultural space on Madrid's Gran Vía.


Frequent questions about Walking Life, Okuda San Miguel





Information on the purchase of Walking Life, Okuda San Miguel

Train + Ticket
Hotel + Ticket
Train + Hotel + Ticket

Train + tickets for Walking Life, Okuda San Miguel, the museum

What's included?

Roundtrip train ticket from the chosen origin to Madrid. You can choose date and time
Tickets for the museum. you can choose date

How does it work?

Just print the train tickets and the tickets that we will send to your email after purchase to get on the train and enter the museum.

Articles related to Okuda

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